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Our Mission: Create innovative solutions for relevant issues facing marginalized communities around the world

Hack the Patriarchy is a hackathon that has been created to welcome women of diverse backgrounds for a creative 24-hour meeting of the hearts, minds and skillsets. In one weekend, our teams will engage in brainstorming, planning and creating solutions to address a diverse array of issues facing marginalized communities in our backyard and around the globe. We aim to gather mentors & domain experts from various industries and communities to share their specialized knowledge to help teams design the most useful and implementable solutions.

Who founded Hack the Patriarchy?

Hack the Patriarchy was created by Kali Williams, an entrepreneur and professional speaker. After attending a few hackathons she realized that there was still a pretty low presence of women. As a feminist and a long time advocate for women, she saw a possibility to create a space that put women at the forefront of tech while focusing on projects that could improve the lives of women around the world.

One thing I’ve learned in my life is that when groups of passionate, intelligent, inspired people get together, anything is possible. – Founder, Kali Williams

5 Founding Principles

  • Inclusion – Our Code of Conduct includes a harassment-free environment, welcoming to LGBTQ, POC and those with various abilities.
  • Collaboration – Teamwork is a crucial component of finding successful solutions. We want to bring together diverse skills & perspectives.
  • Intersectional Feminism – The advocacy of all women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality.
  • Technology – The use of ever evolving technology allows us to find new, inventive solutions to obstacles facing women.
  • Local to Global – Some solutions are better implemented in our own back yard, and some are more suited to international or global use.