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Hack The Patriarchy
Our mission is to create innovative solutions for relevant issues facing marginalized communities around the world.
Hack the Patriarchy is a hackathon that has been created to welcome women of diverse backgrounds for a creative 24-hour meeting of the hearts, minds and skillsets.
In one weekend, our teams will engage in brainstorming, planning and creating solutions to address a diverse array of issues facing marginalized communities in our backyard and around the globe.
We aim to gather mentors & domain experts from various industries and communities to share their specialized knowledge to help teams design the most useful and implementable solutions.
Our Five Founding Principles
Inclusion: Our Code of Conduct includes a harassment-free environment, welcoming to LGBTQ, POC and those with various abilities.
Collaboration: Teamwork is a crucial component of finding successful solutions. We want to bring together diverse skills & perspectives.Intersectional
Feminism: The advocacy of all women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality.
Technology: The use of ever evolving technology allows us to find new, inventive solutions to obstacles facing women.
Local to Global: Some solutions are better implemented in our own back yard, and some are more suited to international or global use.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Hack the Patriarchy?
Hack the Patriarchy is a tongue-in-cheek name for a hackathon with serious intentions! We are hacking the system of patriarchy, not bashing men! A hackathon is a gathering of programmers, developers, designers & others for an intensely focused, short period of time, who are trying to build a creative solution within the constraints of the event. In this context “hacking” means to creatively build something, not attack someone’s website or email. When we talk about “hacking the patriarchy” we’re talking about finding solutions to the social system in which males hold the primary power, and which often result in women and minorities being marginalized in areas of politics, business, personal autonomy and more.
Where and when is Hack the Patriarchy?
Who can attend?
Our first event is women only (including transwomen and gender non-conforming individuals) but we will also host events in the future which will be open to everyone.
Both technical and non-technical people. Beginners and long-time hackers and makers.
We’re looking for creative & innovative women with skills that can contribute to a project: mobile, web, hardware, design, domain expertise, project management or anything else potentially helpful.
It's also super helpful to have an interest in how technology can solve problems and make change.
Do I need to be technologically experienced?
No! We’ll be offering training and mentoring workshops during and before the event. No prior knowledge of, or experience with code is necessary. We not only need programmers & engineers, we also need designers, digital strategists, subject matter experts, data analysts, marketing & user experience experts. If you have an idea, or want to be part of a project that helps change the world for women, and you’re a team player willing to work hard, we want you at Hack the Patriarchy!
Why should I attend Hack the Patriarchy?
Learn new skills
Expand your experiences
Meet people who share your interests
Potentially find a job
Network with peers
Be part of a revolution
Help create something that changes the world for women
Have fun & be creative
Do I need a team or can I come alone?
Some people bring a team that’s pre-assembled, but many people attend solo & create a team at the event. We’ll have pre-event workshops, meetups & happy hours where you can come network & meet potential team-mates. We’ll have a community bulletin board at the event, along with a general pitch time for teams to form around ideas. You’re welcome to have a one-person team if you prefer to work alone.
Do you have childcare?
As part of our commitment to getting women involved in HTP we realize that child care needs are a reality, so we’re working on a solution. If you’re a company that provides childcare and is interested in sponsoring, let’s talk!
What kind of projects are allowed?
Our first event theme is “Make Women’s Lives Better” so whatever the project is, it needs to have focus on women as the first user base. Other than that though, the options are wide open! Apps, games, websites, services, hardware, whatever you can think of and build in 24 hours. Categories include (but aren’t limited to) – Activism, Internet of Things, AI, Safety, Career, Cyber-defense, Family, BioTech, Business, Crime, Domestic Violence, Health, Sexuality, Beauty, Travel, Housing, Relationships, Education, Immigration, Creativity, Child Care , Mental Health, Personal Growth, Communication, Military, Spirituality, Transportation, Fashion, Wearable,s Entertainment & Legal
Are you a sexist organization?
We don’t think so! Our first event is woman only (trans & non-binary inclusive!), and as an organization we’re welcoming of women, men, gender non-conforming individuals, unicorns…you get the picture. We simply want to create a space focused on marginalized voices and have a fun approach to dismantling a system that puts a single kind of person at the top of the hierarchy. We’re passionate about providing a space (and support) for marginalized voices and want to be buddies with anyone who feels the same way.
Are there prizes?
At Hack the Patriarchy, we encourage a sense of community above competition, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love prizes, too! Our Grand Prize winner will be awarded: – $500 cash – A chance to pitch to a Bay Area angels group – 3 months free membership to the ActionSpot coworking space
Who owns the stuff that's created?
The people that created it. HTP makes no claim on your creations.
How much does it cost to attend?
Nothing! But there’s limited space so registration will be vetted.
Do I have to stay at the hackathon overnight?
Nope. For many, part of the hackathon experience is staying overnight and pushing through to get as much done as possible. But that isn’t required. If you live locally or have a place to sleep, you’re welcome to leave when you’re ready and come back in the morning. We have hotel recommendations if you need them.
Is the venue handicap accessible?
Yes! Also, service animals are welcome. If you have any particular needs please email us and we’ll figure it out.
What do I need to bring with me?
An attitude of openness, excitement, cooperation and creativity! Of course for practicalities sake: a laptop and charger, your cellphone and charger, and any supplies you need for brainstorming. Bonus items: your favorite snacks and a 2nd screen if you’re a programmer. If you’re staying the night; a sleeping bag, pillow & toiletries and a couple of changes of clothes.
Is alcohol allowed?
Nope. We want all of our attendees to feel safe, so there’s no alcohol or illegal drugs allowed on the premises.
What’s your photography policy?
Please ask permission before you take a picture of others, if someone objects, then do not include them. Sleeping areas are strictly no-photograph zones.
What if my team doesn’t finish the hack or doesn’t want to present?
You don’t have to present if you don’t want to, but if you get absolutely anything, then don’t worry about it being “impressive,” we want to see what you’ve built! The goal of the hackathon isn’t to have a perfectly finished idea. The goal is to flex our creativity, curiosity and collaboration.
What are the project rules?
This years theme is 'making women’s lives better' meaning that women should be your first market, but don't need to be your only user base.
Project must be created during the 24 hour period the hackathon - only actual work done during the hackathon will be considered, though idea preparation and brainstorming is welcome to be done ahead of time.
In order to be considered for the main prizes, there must be a working implementation, even if it isn’t completely finished. A separate category will be available for non-operating concepts.
It doesn’t need to be practical as a business.
What are the team rules?
Teams are limited to 1-5 people
All Teams must have a Team Leader (sole point of contact w/organizers)
No remote team members.
What are the general rules?
Don’t bring firearms or other weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs or animals (except service animals)
We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave at any time
Who created Hack the Patriarchy?
Hack the Patriarchy was created by Kali Williams, an entrepreneur and professional speaker. After attending a few hackathons she realized that there was still a pretty low presence of women. As a feminist and a long time advocate for women, she saw a possibility to create a space that put women at the forefront of tech while focusing on projects that could improve the lives of women around the world.
Get Involved
Subscribe to our mailing list to get notified when we schedule the 2018 hackathon. We'll also send you information about upcoming events, meetups, news and more!
We're looking for mentors, tech helpers. and domain experts to help create a five-star experiece with resulting in world changing ideas. Get Involved!
Help women be better represented in critical industries and circles of influence. Scout exceptionally talented individuals from a highly diverse pool of participants.
Events & Meetups
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