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Hackathons are renowned as a tool to get the attention of potential funders and to generate a slew of creative ideas for a start-up. If you’re intrigued by the idea of a collaborative marathon programming event either within your organization or among external partners, consider having a team manager involved in the planning and execution. Here are some key ways that a project manager can contribute: 1. Keeping things on track Most team managers are good at keeping the trains running on time, which is key when you’re trying to develop something cool within a limited timeframe. They also tend to be detail oriented, which makes them a natural fit during the testing phase. 2. Thinking about marketing While the developers are building, the project manager can help conceptualize the brand, write marketing copy, and pull together a presentation that makes a great idea into a seamless package. 3. Building excitement According to Klipathon, the team manager should ideally serve as a cheerleader who psyches up the team beforehand by facilitating idea generation and gathering needed resources, which will allow the momentum to carry through the hackathon itself. 4. Maintaining Best Practices During the session itself, the team manager can help keep a sharply defined scope, which is one of the best ways to ensure a successful product. One of the biggest mistakes managers and teams make is expecting too much from their first hackathon. But by having a team manager who can define the scope and set realistic expectations, you’re more likely to realize your team’s true capabilities.