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They are NOT your personal tech team! – Don’t come looking for people to just do what you say or build what you want. We’re encouraging non-programmers to come but only in the spirit of collaboration and team work. We want to avoid the dreaded “hackers in a cage” syndrome so please don’t be a bulldozer. This is really important. Learn some tech vocabulary (and even better, at least a little code!) – you don’t have to know how everything works and you definitely don’t have to know how to code anything that works, but it will go a looooong way towards efficiency and reciprocal respect if you come to the table with even a little bit of knowledge. There are lots of resources online & we’ll be running pre-event workshops including an all-day round table where you can come to learn in a fun and supportive environment.
  • Resource – This is a great article by Inc. Magazine about how to decide which programming language to learn, and it includes a really extensive infographic which lays it all out.
Keep the team on track & prepare a killer presentation – There are some crucial skills you’ll need to be an effective Team Manager, and that includes; time management & keeping the team on track, being a moderator for debates, and preparing and leading the presentation. If you’re someone who can lift flagging spirits that’s a bonus! – Hackathons can be an intense experience, with a group of people trying to build something creative in a short period of time. So it’s particularly helpful if the Team Manager can help keep everyone motivated and feeling like a team.
The 4 Types of Bad Managers
From Visually.

Hackathons are renowned as a tool to get the attention of potential funders and to generate a slew of creative ideas for a start-up. If you’re intrigued by the idea of a collaborative marathon programming event either within your organization or among external partners, consider having a team manager involved in the planning and execution. Here are some key ways that a project manager can contribute: 1. Keeping things on track Most team managers are good at keeping the trains running on time, which is key when you’re trying to develop something cool within a limited timeframe. They also tend to be detail oriented, which makes them a natural fit during the testing phase. 2. Thinking about marketing While the developers are building, the project manager can help conceptualize the brand, write marketing copy, and pull together a presentation that makes a great idea into a seamless package. 3. Building excitement According to Klipathon, the team manager should ideally serve as a cheerleader who psyches up the team beforehand by facilitating idea generation and gathering needed resources, which will allow the momentum to carry through the hackathon itself. 4. Maintaining Best Practices During the session itself, the team manager can help keep a sharply defined scope, which is one of the best ways to ensure a successful product. One of the biggest mistakes managers and teams make is expecting too much from their first hackathon. But by having a team manager who can define the scope and set realistic expectations, you’re more likely to realize your team’s true capabilities.

There are a variety of metrics you can choose to determine whether you have a “successful” hackathon, for a lot of attendees focusing on the process, the creativity and the collaboration means that every experience is a success (and I agree!) Focusing on finishing a project and potentially winning prizes is a different kind of success. Real businesses have been launched from projects originally built at hackathon, and the environment is excellent for learning, practicing and and building your skills. Here are 10 Tips to help you have the best possible hackathon experience:
  1. Find your team ahead of time – If you and your team mates have some extra time to get to know each other and brainstorm together, that will save you a lot of time the day of the event.
  2. Brainstorm strategically – Mind maps are an excellent way to corral your ideas into potential projects, and if you keep your focus on one or two main problems you’d like to solve, you’re more likely to come up with a workable solution.
  3. Don’t get too grandiose – You have to have at least some part of the hack working when it comes time for presentation, so you don’t want to dream too big. This is one instance when a time restriction will help you if you let it. Stay focused on what you can actually achieve in the time you have.
  4. Make a plan – spend some front-loaded time making a plan. Sketching out what your goals are and how you think you’ll achieve them will give you guideposts along the way as your project develops.
  5. Be adaptable -But even if you have a plan, you can’t stay married to it. Be willing to pivot if the idea needs working over or if the tech capabilities aren’t what you expected as you go through trial and error.
  6. Be clear on who’s doing what – It’s helpful to for each person to be clear on what their task list is, but be willing to help each other out. You should all be working towards the same goal. Teamwork is the name of the game here.
  7. Communicate – If you need help, ask. If something isn’t clear, ask. Have an idea for a solution? Speak up. Have a concern about the solution being discussed? Share with the group. The team who communicates clearly will have a leg up on others who don’t.
  8. Don’t skimp on presenting – The best idea in the world won’t get any attention if no one understands what it is, what it does or who should care. Take some time to plan what you’ll say and how the demo will proceed. Even better, have a teammate who focuses on sharing & fine tuning the message & presentation.
  9. Have a workable demo – Only working demos are eligible for prizes, so if that’s a priority to you, make sure you have something that shows at least part of what your project is intended to do.
  10. Don’t forget to have fun! – Amid all the stress or pressure you might feel, don’t forget to have a great time. Yes, it would be awesome if something world-changing (and/or bank account changing) comes out of it, but you can’t get too wrapped up in the outcome. See the hackathon as an opportunity to collaborate, practice your skills and to connect with others who want to use technology to change the world!
10 Tips for a Successful Hackathon from